43 winners of $125 million under the American Rescue Plan.
Last week, Vice President Kamala Harris announced the 43 grant winners of the $125 million American Rescue Plan-funded Capital Readiness Program (CRP) awards competition.
These grants are being made to non-profit and community-based organizations to support underserved small businesses gain access to capital – an important issue to every small-business owner.
While the economy is improving, small businesses continue to struggle under the challenges of securing needed financing to start, run and grow their businesses.
“Having been a leader in the small-business policy arena for more than 30 years, one thing has never changed – garnering financing can be difficult, confusing and costly, and it’s only getting worse,” NSBA President Todd McCracken said. “In fact, more than one-third of small businesses say they are unable to obtain adequate financing—the highest this indicator has been since 2008.”
For how critical these resources are, efforts to help small businesses through the process of obtaining capital and the organizations charged with doing so are vital to small businesses in every stage of their growth.
Please click here for more details on the CRP awards.