NSBA Resources
There's no such thing as a do-nothing small business.
Just because Capitol Hill is stuck in a partisan logjam doesn’t mean we here at NSBA will follow suit. Small business will do what we always do: get to work finding solutions to the big problems we face. We need your help. Join NSBA and our network of small-business leaders across the country to make sure lawmakers hear from us—not special interests—on how to foster innovation and growth through entrepreneurship.
Resources to support - and start - your small business, including tools from federal agencies and programs.
Entrepreneurs: Educate Your Member of Congress
While lawmakers are back home in your states/districts, consider inviting them to come visit your place of business. This is a great opportunity to meet Members of Congress and introduce them to your business and your employees, and is an outstanding way to build or cement an existing relationship. NSBA has put together useful guidelines on how to do this.
Small Business, there is

Have you met with your Senators and Representative? NSBA is here to help–we can better arm you for those important conversations you’re having with lawmakers and their staff.
Who doesn’t love free marketing? We’d love to share your insights, tips and fond memories of starting your business. Send us a few sentences and we’ll share it with our followers.
Whether you’re a lobbying pro or just starting out, NSBA has a wealth of information to help make the most of your lawmaker meetings: one-pagers, white papers, data and so much more.
Let NSBA take the work out of lobbying your lawmakers. Use our Action Center to send pre-drafted letters to your Members of Congress on the biggest issues facing your small business.