#WP2023 was a big success for small business!

Wrapping after two days of important networking and meetings with key policymakers, NSBA’ s Washington Presentation (WP) was more impactful than ever, with nearly 200 small-business owners attending as our advocacy delegates.

Headquartered at the Hyatt Regency DCA, WP 2023 kicked things off with NSBA’s quarterly Board meeting, where the Trustees discussed our long-term goals and strategy for supporting small business.

NSBA Board Chair Bob Trieber and Washington Presentation Chair Tameka Montgomery then began welcoming the WP 2023 delegates, kicking our programming off with a networking lunch and our Advocate of the Year Awards Ceremony.

This year’s award recipients include award finalists: Hope Blankenship of To the Rescue Bookkeeping, LLC in Diberville, Miss.; Sheletta Brundidge of ShelettaMakesMeLaugh, LLC in Cottage Grove, Minn.; Chyanne Hart of CAAM Logistics in Strasburg, Penn.; and Martha Hernandez of ESO Ventures in Oakland, Calif.

NSBA also recognized Nora Oliver of 10X Nora Oliver, LLC in Woburn, Mass., with the Rising Star Award—an award for individuals just starting out as advocates for small business.

The overall award winner was named for the first time publicly, Olalah Njenga of YellowWood Group, LLC in Raleigh, N.C., who shared some inspiring remarks with the delegation.

“There is no job for you,” was the last thing Olalah was told before she began her small business. Instead of shrinking, Olalah chose to rise, and her incredible efforts for small business have continued to soar ever since.
Congrats to the entire Awards Class of 2023!

Joining the delegation were a handful of NSBA’s amazing partners: Amex Global Business Travel, Angel Oak Mortgage, Export-Import Bank of the U.S., and Judy Cyber Services.

Following lunch, the WP Delegates then made their way to downtown Washington, D.C., for a briefing from key administration officials, including: Kylie Patterson – Senior Advisor for Opportunity and Inclusion at the National Institute of Standards and Technology CHIPS Program Office at the Dept. of Commerce; Jeff Stout – Director of SSBCI-Treasury; and Uma Hiremagalur – Deputy Program Director, Capital Readiness Program, Minority Business Development Agency at the Dept. of Commerce.

While our group was too large to be accommodated by the White House, the Commerce building is one of the oldest in the Capital, and the auditorium’s opulence of a different era did not disappoint. Delegates then received a briefing from NSBA’s friends at the Prism Group, including an update on our Priority Issues.

Rounding out the day, our Delegates then met for a rooftop evening reception followed by an exclusive screening of Amazon Studio’s new movie The Burial, starring Tommy Lee Jones and Jamie Foxx. Sharing the story of a family funeral home small business working against the pressures of a behemoth company, we were thrilled for the opportunity to watch this powerful movie in the comfort of Crystal City’s Alamo Drafthouse Cinema.

Thursday began bright and early, with Delegates boarding the buses to head to Capitol Hill. The sun may not have been all the way up, but our attendee’s energy sure was!

We were ecstatic to welcome some incredible Members of Congress to speak to our delegation over breakfast, including conversations and connections on what Congress is doing for small business policy in the nation’s capital and around the country.

Members of Congress addressing the Delegates included: Rep. Morgan McGarvey (D-KY-03), Rep. Mark Alford (R-MO-04), Rep. Pete Stauber (R-MN-08), Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA-28), Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ-02), Rep. Shri Thanedar (D-MI-13), and Rep. Hillary Scholten (D-MI-03). We were thrilled to see these Members of the Small Business Committee sharing their bipartisan views with such civility, as different perspectives will ultimately lay the foundation for stronger, more common-sensical small-business policy.

Throughout the breakfast, NSBA leadership provided tips and insight on how to be the best lobbyist and advocate for small business during the Delegates’ congressional meetings. If you missed our virtual advocacy training on Wednesday, Sept. 6, you can view it in full here. Don’t forget to check back for other NSBA resources, including how best to build and grow your relationship with your Members of Congress!

The Delegates were off from there to make the mark for small business across the Capitol complex, leaving behind materials and insights on what it’s like to run a small business under current laws, policies and regulations.

Click here to download your copy of the handout materials, including focused information on four key NSBA issues prioritized in conversation by the WP Delegates:
• Extend Expiring Tax Cuts
• Enact the Credit Card Competition Act
• Repeal the Corporate Transparency Act
• Nominate and Confirm a Chief Counsel for Advocacy

Thank you to our attendees, our partners, and all of our supporters in Congress for another successful Washington Presentation!

Delegates, please don’t forget to follow up with your Members, and we’ll see you next year!