Issue Committees &
Legislative Action Council
NSBA is driven by a 32-member Board of Trustees comprised of volunteer small-business owners who oversee the organization and our policy stances. NSBA’s Leadership Council, a broad, grassroots network of small-business advocates, also helps develop and promote NSBA’s policy agenda. Any NSBA member can participate in our Issue Committees where they can raise issues facing their business and help the committee develop policy stances on those issues.
Every two years, at the beginning of a new session of Congress, NSBA holds the Small Business Congress where small-business owners discuss, debate and the vote on our Priority Issues. In the interim, NSBA works on various other issues of interest which are crafted through our policy-focused groups.
Policy Areas
NSBA's organization is purposeful and simple:
Issue Committees are comprised of our NSBA and Leadership Council membership.
Not sure of your Issue Committee status? Contact Ian Elsenbach any time.
You must be a member of an Issue Committee to access the folowing information.
Economic Development
This Committee oversees: small-business finance and access to capital, including credit cards, lending, bankruptcy law, securities issues and venture capital, federal small-business programs under the SBA, federal procurement, international trade, and innovation and technology issues.
Environment and Regulatory Affairs
ERA Committee is responsible for: regulatory reform and flexibility, paperwork reduction, issues involving the SBA Office of Advocacy, and all issues related to energy costs and efficiency, and the environment.
Health & Human Resources
NSBA's HHR Commitee has jurisdiction over: health care and health benefits taxation, employee benefits, medical malpractice, labor issues, union relations, FMLA issues, retirement, immigration and minimum wage.
The Taxation Committee leads NSBA on federal taxes and the IRS, including expensing, broad tax reform, the Fair Tax, and federal budgetary issues.