Despite the small-business community’s great need for support, the SBA Chief Counsel role in the Office of Advocacy remains vacant.
Ahead of the President’s Day holiday and Congress’ scheduled spring recess, House Small Business Committee Chair Roger Williams (R-Texas) wrote a letter to President Biden regarding the current vacancy of the Chief Counsel at the Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Advocacy - one of NSBA’s Priority Issues for 2024.
As regulatory requirements continue to grow and affect the bottom line for small-business owners, a fully staffed SBA is more important than ever for its potential to serve the small-business community.
For its specific purpose to serve as watchdog against burdensome regulations, the SBA’s Office of Advocacy should be filled by someone who “understands that small businesses need all the help they can get,” Chairman Williams wrote in his letter.
NSBA joins Chairman Williams in his call for President Biden to nominate a qualified candidate to fill this crucial vacancy in the Office of Advocacy.
Read our official Issue Brief on this important matter, check out our complete collections of Issue Briefs selected at the beginning of a new session of Congress biennially, and follow NSBA as we continue to track the status of this vacancy in Washington.