Your chance to make big impacts for small business. Nominate someone (or yourself!) to join NSBA's Board of Trustees!
NSBA is currently seeking experienced, active and committed small-business leaders for potential nomination and election to our Board of Trustees, NSBA’s governing body. Trustees serve a three-year term, with new terms beginning on January 1. Serving on NSBA’s Board of Trustees provides small-business owners access to help guide NSBA's priorities and operations, and make their voice heard when it comes to the laws and regulations that impact America’s small businesses.
As current NSBA Board Member Sanjyot Dunung of Atma Global Knowledge Media in New York and one of NSBA's former Leadership Council members describes:
“I started with NSBA as part of the Leadership Council—just like many of you. After being an active member on the Leadership Council, I applied to serve on the Board of Trustees, and it has been a wonderful experience. Not only does my input carry weight in driving the overall organization, I’ve had the opportunity to work with some truly amazing business leaders.”
Nominees should be a member in good standing of NSBA with a commitment to pursuing NSBA’s nonpartisan agenda. The deadline for nominations is Friday, Aug. 11, 2023.
Click here to download the nomination form.